Commander Phillip Englishbee
Commander Philip Englishbee

Phillip Englishbee is a 29-year law-enforcement veteran who was born and raised in Pasadena, Texas. He is a graduate of the Houston Community College Police Academy and began his police service as a sworn reserve officer for approximately 2 years. Phillip was offered a full-time police officer position with the City of Missouri City, Texas in 1995, and excelled quickly, becoming a Field Training Officer within only two years. In 2005, he earned promotion to the rank of Sergeant and was assigned to the Patrol Division. In 2013, Phillip became a member of the agency’s fatality accident investigation team and underwater dive team and transferred to the Administration Division where he worked as Field Training Coordinator, Department TCOLE Training Coordinator, Quartermaster, Background Investigator, Internal Affairs Investigator, and several other sensitive administrative tasks.
Phillip has achieved the highest level of police officer proficiency in the state of Texas, Master Peace Officer Certification, and is the recipient of a meritorious award for outstanding service to the community. Phillip is a graduate of the Center for Executive Development at the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas, the Institute for Law Enforcement, Administration (ILEA) School of Police Supervision, the Penn State High Impact Supervision course, is the recipient of the FBI LEEDA Leadership Trilogy award, and the prestigious Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command (SPSC).
Phillip’s favorite quote is “You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choices”. He considers himself an open book and is a firm believer in transparency at all levels within an organization. He abides by the philosophy of committing to holding yourself accountable, because others will.